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About the Morris Minor Car Club of Victoria Inc.
  A member of the Association Of Motoring Clubs Inc.(AOMC)

The Morris Minor Car Club of Victoria is located in Melbourne, the capital city of Victoria, and Australia's 2nd largest city and arguably the worlds most liveable city. It is famous for its gardens, the Yarra River, trams and good public transport, excellent restaurants, temperate climate, plus it's many Morris Minors.

The Morris Minor Club of Victoria was the first Morris Minor Club formed in Victoria in mid 1977 and it's founding President was Geoff Shepherd. One of the founding members was none other than Dave Warren AO, the inventor of the now famous "Black Box" used by the modern aircraft fleet all around the world today.     His spirit still lives on within the Club.

The aims of the Morris Minor Car Club of Victoria Inc. are:-
    1.  to foster the preservation and active use of all models of Morris Minors produced after 1948 ;
    2.  to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, general technical information and advice; and
    3.  to hold a variety of motoring and social activities.

We also celebrate the many feats this little car has achieved around Australia, and not only on "the blacktop".

You may also view, or download, the pdf icon current MMCCV Inc rules here. (Note that this is in pdf format)

What does membership of the MMCCV Inc. offer you?
Belonging to the Club gives you the opportunity of meeting many other people with similar interests.
You will receive a monthly newsletter, "The Generator", which contains interesting articles on Morris Minors and tips and hints about how to maintain your car.
The Club has an excellent library with books, CD's and DVD's on how to rebuild or restore Morris Minors, the history of the car and others of general interest.
If you are looking for a Morris Minor you will probably find exactly what you want advertised in "The Generator".  Or if you are restoring your Morris Minor, then you will want to belong to a club that will support and help you.
Many members stock parts and are happy to assist other members by supplying those hard to get bits and pieces.

Where do we meet?
Our Club meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at:-
    The Horrie Watson Pavilion,
    Deepdene Park, Whitehorse Road, Balwyn (Melways Map 46 Ref A8)

    at 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start.

So, why not come to the next meeting.

If that is not suitable, then   Download an Application Form,  complete it and send it in to our Membership Officer.